Thursday, March 7, 2013

Schroeder - Title Roughs

Concept: Concept art from Marvels The Avengers. (possibly original images of characters for comparison) 
I haven't quite made it to computer roughs because I've been working on the font.. but I've started scanning things in.
My title is going to transform from gridded out to full finished black (a play on the rendered to reel theme) which still needs to be worked on.

I've also been having trouble with the title.. Right now it's "Strips: Rendered to Reel," which works, but it's bothering me that The Avengers aren't really a "strip".. but I just had the idea today of "Silver Age to Silver Screen," as The Avengers comic #1 came out in 1963, right in the middle of the Silver Age comics period (1956-1970).
If there's any input on other interpretations of that concept, it would be much appreciated.

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