Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blackmor Roughs

Working on a new title ... from the "Merely A Symbol" .... will describe in class and work on board and roughs once I get an opinion. Sorry; catching up!


Schweke: Roughs



Hi my name is Katie Smith, super generic right? I love Tumblr and follow Vintage Greek which actually inspired my exhibition idea. 

Sigler Roughs

I'm leaning towards the first or second one...

Smith-Title Ideas

Isaacs: Roughs


Maffei: Roughs

Was looking for some feedback before I finished coloring in the remaining styles. The colors will be based off of the colors and styles featured in the show.

Hruzek: Roughs

Stange p.2: Roughs

Smith- Mood Board


Secrecy, ritual, tradition and brotherhood are the foundation of Greek Fraternal principles. In my exhibition, which I have titled “Silence” or “ΣΙΩΠΗ”, I will display Greek Life division pages from vintage yearbooks all of which depict classic symbols of these secret social societies. Most images are hand rendered and have a very dark, foreboding feel, skulls and crossbones and black hooded capes are a repeating motif.
I imagine my exhibition to be shown in a on-campus gallery located at a university with a rich Greek Life history. The audience I intended for exhibition to attract would be current collegiate members of fraternities and sororities as well as alumnus. I would also hope to attract individuals who are unfamiliar or who do not think highly of Greek Life to view the exhibition.
I would want for individuals who have no Greek ties viewing the vintage Greek yearbook art to gain a better understanding of the importance of ritual, brotherhood and history that ties Greeks from all generations together. As I would also wish for current members of these societies to not forget where they came from and what the rituals and symbolism stand for. As for the old Greeks, I hope they can look at the artwork and be reminded of the good old days.

Casi Moss

It's rough. Real rough.

Lang: Roughs

Kenzie Moss - P2 Roughs

I tried a few timed roughs. The max time will be 5 minutes....mmmyup.

Shine - Roughs

This is what I have for the roughs. I'm still working on manipulating the type a bit more ... If anyone has any suggestions for the name of the title, that would be awesome - I'm still not 100% sure about it yet.

Black type version.

Emphasis on "Focus On". Added color.

Two color palette.

Schroeder - Roughs

Papke: Roughs

Duria Antiquior


avi or avis: bird
onyx: claw or talon
compso: elegant
titano: titanic
pteryx: wing or fin
pelon: mud or clay

Ola: Roughs

Sigler: Brief and Mood Boards

Held at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco "Superflat" will exhibit the Japanese pop art style known by the same title, superflat.  One of the main artists will be the founder of the movement, Takashi Murakami, and additional Japanese artists will be also be featured.

This exhibit should attract young city dwellers, ranging from teens to thirties.  Hopefully the viewer will gain an appreciation for the style, and also learn about Japanese culture.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Maffei: Looking for Feedback

The "N" and the "S" in CANS need to come to the right so they are not as obstructed for sure, possibly the "E" in DEAD as well. Looking for feedback on the colors, shapes, legibility, etc. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

ATX: 52 Beers

Thought you could check this place out for your "research"

Moss - Brief and Mood

TH(INK) FAST will be an exihibition that features sketches done in five minutes or less by students and faculty at Texas State University. The time constraint of five minutes exposes the artist’s initial thoughts marked on a page. The exhibition will be open to the general public and students and will be held at the Agora Gallery in New York, NY.

Schroeder: Brief & Mood Boards

Road to Reel: The Graphic Novel's Journey to Film

The content of the exhibition will be a selection of material from graphic novels which have been turned into film. The primary focus will be on concept art and start to finish images of the characters whom are being brought from the page to the screen. This work is meant to celebrate beloved characters and their journey from their birth, to rebirth and to observe what was, what could of been, and what they became.
This exhibit will be shown at the EMP Museum (music + sci fi + pop culture) in Seattle, Washington. The museums focus “is a leading-edge, nonprofit museum, dedicated to the ideas and risk-taking that fuel contemporary popular culture,”(EMP). With the exhibits main focus being on popular graphic novel to film characters, the EMP Museum is a perfect fit to represent this show. 
The target audience is a broad spectrum from young ages to old. The show will most likely attract a younger crowd, but some of the topics in the exhibit will spark the interest of those who knew the characters from their original debut.
When the audience is viewing the exhibit they should feel a sense of nostalgia, whimsy, or even respect for such iconic characters. They should start to understand and appreciate all of the hard work and respect that goes into taking these characters from the page to the screen, and enjoy an inside view of the stages and process that occurs. There is hope that the viewers will learn that a great deal of work is put into these characters, whether they “fail,” or “succeed,” in one’s mind.. conceptual work is an interesting and exciting process. 

Casi Moss mood

The content of this exhibit with feature scientific illustrations with subject matter varying from medicine, paleontology, biology etc. Illustration will show high realistic drawing skills that copy direct specimens. This exhibit will be showcased at the Art Institute of Chicago encyclopedic art museum.  The intended audience will include science buffs, illustrators, and those who appreciate high realism and detailed art. The outcome envisioned, is for viewers to appreciate the unnoticed art of scientific illustrators and come to understand these illustrations can be viewed for more than informational purposes but for their beauty and craftsmanship as well.

Maffei: Mood Boards & Creative Brief

"DEAD CANS" will feature graffiti artists from across the globe. This will be an invitation event held at "Graffiti Park" in Austin, TX. This will be an outdoor event which is where you would find this medium employed. All areas will be whitewashed as to provide a clean base for the artists to perform their craft. Canvases will also be used to capture pieces of the artwork which will be available for purchase with all proceeds going to a private fund for teaching art to children in the community.

The target audience will be those involved in the world of street art as well as hip hop. I expect to also see many people who are involved in art in some form or another to come out and enjoy this medium. Graphic designers and typographers I think would enjoy seeing this form of hand drawn type where the graphic designers would also enjoy the stencil aspect of the art form.
This is "STENCIL" graffiti
This is "WILDSTYLE" graffiti

This is "HARDCORE" graffiti

Laura Shine - Brief and Mood Boards

Landscape 59 will be a traveling photography exhibition that visits each of the 59 National Parks in the United States (including Puerto Rico and Guam). The show is centered around B&W Photography taken by Junior Rangers who visit the parks. The exhibit will cover the history of the Junior Ranger program, how to become a Junior Ranger, and how Junior Rangers are changing the world. The show will open May 31st, 2013 at 12:00pm at Yosemite National Park and travel around the country to each of the other parks 2 weeks at a time.

This is the type of nature photography that is allowed in the show. It will just include nature photos and only be landscape style (no vertical images).

This is the color palette for the title and exhibit. The photos will be in B&W, but I would like the exhibit to have a simple subdued color palette.

This is what I am thinking about the layout for the type. I am still playing with what I want the type to look like. I want it to be structured, but with a natural feel to it.