Thursday, February 28, 2013

Smith- Mood Board


Secrecy, ritual, tradition and brotherhood are the foundation of Greek Fraternal principles. In my exhibition, which I have titled “Silence” or “ΣΙΩΠΗ”, I will display Greek Life division pages from vintage yearbooks all of which depict classic symbols of these secret social societies. Most images are hand rendered and have a very dark, foreboding feel, skulls and crossbones and black hooded capes are a repeating motif.
I imagine my exhibition to be shown in a on-campus gallery located at a university with a rich Greek Life history. The audience I intended for exhibition to attract would be current collegiate members of fraternities and sororities as well as alumnus. I would also hope to attract individuals who are unfamiliar or who do not think highly of Greek Life to view the exhibition.
I would want for individuals who have no Greek ties viewing the vintage Greek yearbook art to gain a better understanding of the importance of ritual, brotherhood and history that ties Greeks from all generations together. As I would also wish for current members of these societies to not forget where they came from and what the rituals and symbolism stand for. As for the old Greeks, I hope they can look at the artwork and be reminded of the good old days.

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