Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maffei: Title Ideas: Dead Cans

Dead Cans Title Ideas
Due to the fact the title needs to be converted to Vector format, these sketches adhere to this parameter. If the requirements change and allow the ability to use a high res image in place of a Vector image I will be able to actually "spray" the title using the medium which the show will be based upon.


  1. Not having any background in tag art, I can see what I would consider two different types of graffiti here: Some (like the bubbled and outlined ones) look like large, grand works of art, while others look simply like ephemera of urban society, scrawled stories that become part of the overlooked pavement as people hurry by.

    Perhaps you could choose your title based on whether you want to focus on showing graffiti as grand attention-grabbing murals or as overlooked gems in the grime of urban decay.

  2. I know we already talked about yours a bit and were not sure of the medium yet. But vector or not I feel like something like the face/bombs in the bottom left would be cool, especially playing off the name dead cans. I feel like these could be pulled off in vector too. Whatever idea you go with, make sure the title is fairly readable, some of your audience might have a hard time reading graffiti text.

  3. I would incorporate cans more. Maybe a row of black and white cans with the color on top (as if used and "exploded on top") and across the cans is written "Dead Cans" in a legible bubble font or even stencil/wheat paste/mixed media style.

    I would avoid throw up since they are overly placed and harder to read.

  4. Out of all of these, the top two are my favorites. However, I especially like the top-right one because it looks like a signature. I just really like the idea of the title of the exhibit being a signature. Also, I know graffiti art are normally hard to read, but I would recommend that in this case to have the title be easily readable by the audience.

  5. I really dig your content and all I can say is make sure that your typeface is readable to those that aren't affluent with graffiti.


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