Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Casi Moss - Title Ideas

Entomatomy - 
EN ' TO * MOT " O * MY n.
[GR. &?; insect + te' mnein to cut.]
The science of the dissection of insects.

Art exhibition for science illustrators.


  1. I like the idea of the type fitting inside the bug, especially if it had a textured look. It'd also be cool to add some classification notes or something around the bug.

  2. I am definitely leaning towards the designs that incorporate the actual insects in the art. I agree with paul about making it a bit more scientific using notes or something around the insect.

  3. I think the more successful thumbnails are the ones that incorporate the type the most as opposed to the ones with the type sitting next to the imagery. Perhaps you could combine the bottom right and bottom middle thumbnails, with the expanded distorted type and the close up of the bug. Maybe the bug could be distorted by the magnifying glass as well, have it cut off by the circle with the outside part small and the inside part bigger.

  4. You should either dissect the word or warp the letters under a microscope. Good work buddy. http://i.imgur.com/uoYYI9v.gif

  5. I personally LOVE the right one in the second row of thumbnails. I really think it would be a beautiful piece. Though I would really recommend you keep in mind that it should be easily readable by the audience. Also, I agree with Lauren about which ones may be more successful.


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