Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hruzek: Brief and Mood Boards

The exhibition content will include color photography done by Stephanie Schulz of dilapidated structures including houses and extend to broken down vehicles. It will be shown in the Menil in Houston as I think the atmosphere of the museum and surrounding nicer homes would create interesting juxtaposition.

The intended audience for the museum would be around the ages of 20s into 30s. Through experiencing this exhibition, I would like the audience to leave with a renewed interest in paying attention the surrounding environment and all the forgotten or left behind buildings.

I chose the color palette because I feel it compliments the color photography well while bringing attention to the grittiness. I feel the imagery here works well together with similar formal compositions and horizontal format. The type also follows the horizontal compositions and the asymmetry found in the photography.
The color palette draws from the cooler tones of the images and contrasts the bright red with cooler, calmer blues. Through the type, I attempted to accomplish the placement of flaking away paint to further hint at the content of the exhibition. The imagery all has more vertical movement bringing it together even with different orientations. The images also strongly display the effects of nature on man made forgotten structures.

This color palette is more subtle and muted so as not to distract from the numerous colors in the photography. It emphasizes the natural hues found. The type plays off the mass of the building in the composition of the photos. The imagery focuses on the multiple buildings torn up by various causes of nature or lack of attention by humans.

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