Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Isaacs: Title Ideas

I'm featuring various artists from Magic: The Gathering.  My title is Glimpses: Visions of Magic.  If we don't have to do vector art, I may like to feature glimpses of the artwork.


  1. I like the last idea on the first page where the letters are falling away. I feel like it'd be cool if the pieces were shredded paper that were intensely colored, with a kind of gloomy feel.

  2. I would like to see something that is graphically intense. I have not played Magic but I have seen some of the art work and it is simply amazing! I feel like the Title Art should be a reflection of what is being featured!

  3. Ah I really like Tap/Untap!

    I think you should get real with it and use the terms. If someone was going to this exhibit and had no idea what Magic was, I think they would still enjoy the artwork, but if there was a Magic nut there they would appreciate all the terminology along with the art. It would also be a lot of fun trying to incorporate those into the book.

    But if you are set on this I would say 3 & 6 would be the most visually appealing.

  4. I really like the concept of the last left one. I personally think it best appeals to the style of the pieces of work you are planning on showcasing in the exhibit.


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