Tuesday, February 19, 2013

McElroy: Title Ideas

I am doing an artist named Chad Wys.

He does a lot of interesting ready-mades using found framed paintings.
Usually using paint--check out his site!


  1. I'd like to see you choose a title and provide a few variations. It's hard to pick a favorite because each is so different due to the naming convention and style of design.

  2. I think the "Create" thumbnail with the different colored blocks is the best solution, because it looks like the artist used that pattern in most of his paintings. It would tie them together in a subtle way. It's also mysterious in that people wouldn't know right away why it looks that way until they see the artwork in the showing.

  3. I like the one where you have masked and canvas overlaying each other. Using transparent colors could be cool with that. Also what I saw on his website was very strange and I think you can go stranger with your title.

  4. After looking at his portfolio, it might be nice to use the color bars that he dripped over a painting as a style for your typeface. It was a bold image that stuck out to me from the rest and would be recognizable.

  5. I think you need to spend more time coming up with a choice for the name, but I like the style of "Create" and "Streak of Color" and how they relate to the paintings.


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