Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moss: Title Ideas

The title TH(INK) FAST or (TH)INK FAST will be sketched in the same time constraint (60sec?) as the content inside the catalogue. Possibly toying with the idea of having each letter sketched in 60 seconds to improve its badass-ary. Open for suggestions.



  1. I think the top/middle works best. I would add some of the 60 second art work around it to evoke a feel of what the show is about. This would allow you to give a sneak peak to the potential audience and possibly allow you to reach a wider demographic.

  2. I think that the text could be drawn a little more roughly, to make it look more hasty and sketchy. Maybe you could include some spilled ink imagery as if the person sketching hurrying so much that they spilled their ink on it. It would also tie with the word ink.

  3. Out of all of these I think the strongest are the ones where there is a difference in the thickness of "(th)" and "ink." The text in general I guess could be more roughly sketched or staggered to give it a rushed feel. If you could incorporate the brain, that'd be cool.

  4. I really like the last one with the scribbles circled around the title. I think it gives a feeling of what your brain is thinking sometimes in 60 seconds. you could also have the scribbled circle with a quick scribbled brain at the bottom coming out of the circle.

  5. I think the most effective are the two with the arrows of the ones you drew in 60 seconds. Especially if you added some scribbles like the scribbled circles around the lower one.

  6. I like the layout of the 5th design but would consider changing the ( ) into [ ] just because the ( ) make me think of the (red) campaign.


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