Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Papke: Title Ideas


Paleoart Exhibit


  1. I think the first one is working best, because it relies mostly on the typography with more subtle visuals in the silhouette. I think the name is a little misleading though; to me, it seems to indicate that the show is about ancient art made by ancient artists. I think you should use the scientific word for "subject / subject matter" instead of "artist"; that would be more evocative of a contemporary artist depicting ancient subjects like dinosaurs.

  2. I agree with Stephen, the first one is strongest because the imagery is more incorporated into the type than the other options. Maybe you can lengthen the subtitle a bit more to mention that this is contemporary scientific illustration.

  3. The first one is really awesome, and like Lauren and Stephen said, definitely a lot more typographically focused than the rest. The skull being both the O and part of the A is fantastic. I would just make sure that it doesn't end up looking too much like a kid's dinosaur exhibit. Maybe if the type is rendered in a similar style to the art being feature (not sure if you are doing the scientific illustration or something else?)

  4. I feel like the first thumbnail is the only one that really accomplishes the goal, maybe try to do some more thumbnails and focus more on lettering than illustrations (or at least in-cooperate the illustrations into the type).
    If you do use the first one I'd really focus on rendering the bones as realistically as possible to reflect your subject matter and avoid looking like a "kid's dinosaur exhibit" like Laurel said.


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