Monday, June 17, 2013

Exhibit Title Redo

Here is it again! Thanks again for staying for me and your input guys!!!

Aguilar: Title

Pfuntner: Exhibition Title

Denison: Exhibition title

Wells_Exhibition Title

Woodall_Exhibition Title

Rodriguez: Exhibition Title

Thumbnail Example

Your 40 thumbnails should look something like this. Lines representing small type. Boxes representing images. Major titles written.

Ramos: Exhibition Title

Jennings:Exhibition Title

Castillo: Exhibition Title

Torres: Exhibition Title

Here is the cover for microcide

Thank you.


Weaber: Exhibition Title

Still a little rough but this is the general idea of the title and colors.

Householder: Exhibition Title

Walker: Exhibition Title

Maxwell: Mood Board

For my exhibit, I plan on focusing on large-scale illuminating lyrical sculpture in public spaces, which would fit within a modern art museum.

Maxwell : Exhibition Title

Smith: Exhibition Title

Rangel Exhibit Title

Here are the title I have been playing around with over the weekend.

The one's with pictures in them if you look close I added the I-Pad to make it a more interactive title/entrance.

Please share thoughts! Thank you!

Williams: Exhibition Title

Here are a few samples I came up with, I'm pretty certain one of these four is it, OR perhaps a combination of two. Regardless I still want to play with cropping in more to focus on the title and maybe even do a fake digital mock-up of what the final product would look like on a blank wall or canvas for the exhibit.

Farley: Exhibition Title

Sunday, June 16, 2013


P2 Title Description_Seth Brown

This is my idea for the cover. I tried to reduce it down to the simplest elements in my overall concept. I wanted to combine the texture of old document paper as well as the modern rendition of an old typeface. I want everyones opinion on weather or not to leave the black boxes that I placed around the title. These boxes were supposed to echo the Art Deco style of the 1920's. I could take em or leave em lol LET ME KNOW!

P2 Title_Seth Brown

Ciceri: Exhibition Title

My exhibition is going to be a behind the scenes look at Coraline, the first stop motion movie to use rapid prototyping (3D Printing). I wanted the title to look creepy and done by hand since the movie itself has a fairly eerie feel to it. By the way, Coraline is the movie with the people who have buttons for eyes if y'all are unfamiliar with it. Hence the name, "Unbuttoned." I left the title in black (save for the last one) because using bright colors would stand out quite a lot against the movie's dark color palette. I'll probably mess with the colors of whichever version I decide to go with whenever I make the book cover.