Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Gonzalez: Creative Brief and Mood Boards

I have decided that my content will consist of album covers from rock music in the 1980's. It will be some of the most memorable covers as well as some that might have been missed by the general public. The album cover styles will not have any cohesion in style other that the fact that they were in a decade when rock music was rapidly growing in popularity and iconic rock imagery was ingrained into the minds of the public. I feel like younger generations might have missed a time when album art was widely graphic and a vivid means of communication.
I would show this in museums that specialize in music history and memorabilia. If there are museums that specialize in rock music history, I feel this book would find a great home. My audience would mostly consist of people who are interested in rock music and people interested in art, album covers, and artists/designers who are looking for great album design inspiration. The age group would consist of mostly older people in there thirties to forties who grew up in this generation, but I also want to target younger audiences as well, because there living in a time when album art is being missed more and more as music is being downloaded, rather than purchased. I feel like younger generations have missed a time when album art was widely graphic and a source for vivid means of communication. I want the audience to appreciate the design that went into albums in this time period; designs that sent a message pertaining to type of music inside the cover as well as a symbol of the band itself. 
Mood Boards:


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