Monday, June 10, 2013

Shafiq: P2 Initial Concept

For my idea I'll be focusing on the silent aspect of WW2. I'll be exploring the visuals and graphic persuasion government's used to help create a sense of nationalism. Using this propaganda stimulated the public into being for the war, disliking another country and created a schism between the world's citizens.

Instead of breaking down each graphic by it's country of origin I plan on dividing them into sections such as, "anti espionage", "battle at the home-front", "nationalism", and "characterizing the enemy". This is to illustrate that every country used these visuals to stimulate a war interest during the period of time.

 Titles I was thinking of are,

"WW2 Propaganda|Silent Killers"
"Agent Propaganda|WW2"
"Unity and Separation|WW2 Propaganda"
"Unity through Propaganda|Separation through War"
"Unity through Art|Separation through War"

Something along those lines...I feel like if I think more about it I could get the perfect title for it. Here are some examples of what all we have at the gallery.

Initial Concept idea #2-

Titles-> "Headless" 

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