Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Williams: P2 Initial Concept

Pinning down an initially concept proved to be a little more difficult than finding examples, but I believe I have a solid direction. I initially wanted to do something regarding the history of OR elements of music (considering I'm a huge music buff...I would've used an em dash to create this thought but I don't believe blogger offers that) but I don't know how appealing a musical history lesson would be.

The concept I'm leaning toward is to create an installation or exhibition showcasing many of the greatest failed inventions in history. If it were really a gallery the idea would be to actually acquire as many of these inventions or prototypes as possible for display, but for those we couldn't we'd have solid photos to get the idea across. The hope would be to provide a level of humor, as some of these inventions are flat out ridiculous, but also make one think how history would've been altered with the implementation of some of these ideas. The idea for the title of this gallery...wait for it...wait it..."NO-TOTYPES: Inventions the World Said NO to"...you see what I did there (yes, that was painful for me also, but who doesn't love a little cheese). Below are some examples of the wacky inventions that would be displayed.

Monowheel Vehicles

Phone Answering Robots

Portable Record Players

Winged Tanks

Virtual Boy

 Water Walking Shoes

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