NO-TOTYPES l Inventions the World Said NO to
I feel as though I have a pretty clear and solid direction with where I hope to take this project. Once again, the concept is to draw focus and attention to a number of failed inventions over the course of history. I chose to focus the imagery in my mood boards on visuals that inspire the art direction for the project. I chose to do this because I feel as though in my previous blog I posted pictures of some of the wacky inventions that potentially could be depicted in the exhibition. I have a pretty healthy list of inventions to choose from so now it's really a matter of narrowing that down to somewhere between 10 to 15 inventions that I would like to focus on.
So with that being said, let's get to the brief!
Creative Brief
Q: What is the content of your exhibition?
A: The content of my brief would be various forms of visuals representing the inventions that I've chosen to exhibit. This would be either blueprints of prototypes for the inventions (if they're acquirable), high quality photos, and actual prototypes of the inventions if we could get our hands on them. I'd also want to give some sort of background on the item and the inventor with a description as to why it wasn't successful.
Q: What museums will it be shown in?
A: When I imagine an exhibit like this I can only visualize it being shown in history museums. Good venues might include The National Museum of American History, The Smithsonian, and The Museum of History and Industry just to name a few. Ideally the plan would be to shop the exhibit around to more localized history museums as well to be a featured exhibit.
Q: Who is your intended audience?
A: My intended audience is EVERYONE! You'd probably like me to narrow it down but it's virtually impossible. When I think of an exhibit like this I picture it being family friendly and appealing to all demographics. The grandparents and parents can feel a sense of history and nostalgia by remembering items that were potentially conceived during their lifetime, while the youth can laugh with intrigue at such obnoxious inventions like portable record players (most probably don't even know what a record player even is!). It would be an interesting learning process for some and journey down memory lane for others.
Q: What do you want them to feel/think/learn/etc. in response to the exhibition?
A: I just want it to be entertaining really. The big idea is to present items that are not only comical in nature, but perhaps insert others that are seemingly not so farfetched. I'd hope to provoke the thought process...the one that makes the viewer ask "what if?". What if this invention would've been an accepted part of society and how would it have altered or effected our modern being.
Mood Boards


Color Palette

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