A Little Lethal | An exhibition on the smallest and deadliest animals on earth.
The content for this exhibition will focus on showcasing the world's smallest, most lethal animals while providing the animal's effects on the human body.
"A Little Lethal" will be featured in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, intended to be viewed by children ranging in the ages 8–16 years of age as well as adults.
The purposes of this exhibit are to spark curiosity in natural sciences, instill a greater respect for creatures underestimated due to their size, and to reflect on man's vulnerability to the undeterred power of nature and chemistry.
Mood-Boards | Illustrating concepts visually
1. Shadow Box
For this mood-board, I was inspired by insect shadow box collections I remembered from last semester's biology lab. I find this approach appropriate because the book itself is acting like a shadow box to showcase these animals. Since finding carcasses of these difficult, I would be cutting pictures of the animals and placing them in a homemade shadow box. I chose to work with soft colors because of the subtle colors made by the distance between the matt and the viewer. The type was chosen would be something delicate to reference the hand-done quality of shadow boxes.
2. Darwinism
This next mood-board is based on the science during Darwin's time and the Victorian Era. I think that ink illustrations would be appropriate in evoking the mood of exploration in nature, while modern typography with thin strokes, like Didot or Bodoni, in combination with a sans-serif like Gotham would appropriately reference the Victorian Era. Also, the use of muted colors will also help in the perception of an antique look.
3. Charley Harper
I love illustration and I love simplicity. Naturally I thought Charley Harper and his amazing geometric illustrations. I think this would be a great style for this exhibition because young kids will enjoy the beautiful and lively colors while adults appreciate the geometric simplicity of the animals. For this style a sans serif would go well with the simple geometric shapes made for the animals.
Thank you for your time,
—Luis T
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