Monday, June 10, 2013

Bullard P2: Initial Concept

For the exhibition book, I was thinking about to sharing with Deaf painters, artist, graphic design or etc, I would like to make that book because I like to show to Both worlds that we are not differences because EVERYONE can do it!! We are walking on same world together. :)

Few names will be:

"Share Languages"
"Use your eyes"
"Speak with your eyes"
"See thou Deaf's Eyes"
"See thou Ears"

I am trying to think of titles but if you got one, I am open "eyes" (not hear since i cannot hear) for any new good titles. :)

Deaf Painter:

Chuck Baird
painting mostly on watercolor

You could see flag of America, and we using signing for America.

Its one of my most favorite because I am also artist. You can see all art supplies in the air and you know what the picture look like.. the signing means Art.

"You are the Light of the World"

Like I said earlier, We both walking on same world and both light up the world together.. The signing means "Light up".

"Homage to the Mother Earth"

We all know that Indians using their own language but it is not same as our language but we understand their "body language" because we using them too. The signing means (start on top then left then bottom then right) "North, West, South and East".

"If I were M.C. Eachor"

I am sure you have familiar with this picture before but it is amazing that Chuck turn it around to make it more interesting.  The signing means "Drawing".

If you want to see more of his work.. Heres his link:

Chuck Baird

More Deaf artists:

Nancy Rourke

I hope you all enjoying this and I do want to work on this one for my book!


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