Question: What is
the content of your exhibition?
The content of my exhibit would contain #selfies which are
photographs taken of the person by the person.
I have contacted numerous people friends and other artist who’s #selfies
I have found interesting, funny or entertaining. Social media being such a hit in our
generation I wanted to display these #selfies showing the different expressions
people take of themselves and in what environments they take these #selfies
in. The overall instillation idea is having
these #selfies blown up at least poster size, if not larger and displaying them
all along the wall so you walk into a room of faces. Underneath the photo it will display where
this person was born where they live now and what their occupation is to show
that everyone no matter what job title they have, they also are involved in
this #selfie “fad”.
Question: What
Museum’s will it be shown in?
After researching Museums and visiting these particular
Museums I find the Guggenheim and Whitney Museum to be suitable for this
instillation design idea. They both are
very open and have this sense of flow feeling, which will guide its audience
through the exhibition smoothly.
Question: Who is
your intended audience?
This exhibition is for all ages because the exhibition
itself includes #selfie from the youngest age of 1 and a half year and up. Yes you read correctly! A One and a half year
old took 2 #selfie all on their own!
Question: What do
you want them to feel/think/learn/ect.
In response to the exhibition?
I want them to feel a sense of familiarity, be able to
connect with the exhibition maybe even laugh a little inside because they are
thinking of all the #selfies they took.
Seeing these #selfies in a large scale and how we really never think in
the moment why exactly we chose to take that certain #selfie or make that
certain expression.
Imagery- I don’t
want to spoil the surprise so I will share just a FEW pictures that I will be
showing for exhibition I want it to be a surprise!
Color palette-
The color palette that I felt was suitable for this exhibition were these color
schemes I wanted to keep it very
monotone as far as the back wall color and title due to the fact that 99 percent
of the photos are in color and I don’t want to take away the focus on the
Here are some type faces that caught my eye and how I would like to display my title
#selfie put up and a solid color wall very large but clean type to capture the audience eye and perhaps incorporate a photo along with the title like the second example... right at beginning of exhibition.
My personal rendition of my idea for my title:
Using traveling typewriter typeface
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