Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Aguilar: Creative Brief and Mood Boards

Soooo my concept of the exhibit is using (The Shins or Swans)—still deciding, to showcase their changing gig posters. The idea is to showcase artist on their designs and representation of the band music and image through their poster. 
The museum that would use for the shins would be New Mexico Museum of Art since thats where they are from. For Swans I would say the Agora Gallery in New York because its a little more low key for this type of exhibit.
I want to reach out to the obvious fans of the music. But not only them but other poster artist to show different styles of work that others have used and also indie bands that love to use artists works for their posters.
My goal in doing this exhibit is to have the audience see not only the classic art but also the street modern art thats going on today. Alot of this artwork is disgarded after the show and I want them to remember the gig and remember what it feels like to go to a show. 

The Shins posters are more oranges and blues, while Swans is more muted dark tones of grey and yellow. They wont be cropped because I want the years and places to show to create a flow from year to year.

The color palette for the shins is more bright oranges and teal blues and greens. For swan the posters are more dark and earthy. 

For Swans type i was feeling a bit more standard with a San Serif. They are a bit grungy and dark but I do like using the the more flowy font for the title. For the shins I like the idea of creating a more playful handwritten feel to their exhibit. They are more of a laid back band so handwritten or a decorative style would be good. 

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