Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Walker: Creative Brief and Mood Boards

What is the content of your exhibition?
Title: The Transition of Transmission
It will be an exhibition of telephones throughout history. Including unique kinds and possibly historic and culturally known phones that have now become timeless symbols.
What museums will it be shown in?
Any art museum or possibly science museums due to the scientific role that was required to invent and improve them.
Who is your intended audience?
My audience would be for the general public, from anyone the age 100 to even kids over the age of 5.
What do you want them to feel/think/learn/etc. in response to the exhibit?
Mainly, to appreciate the fact that within a few decades we have achieved the ability of being able to reach anyone from far, far away almost instantly and at any time. If a phone is nearby, you are instantly reachable.
Also, I want the audience to realize that phones—originally pragmatic in purpose—over time are now becoming historical objects and artistic sculpture. Phones are very cold and mechanical, yet we are so attached to them.

Color Palette

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