Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Introduction: Loren

Hi guys my name is Loren and I was named after the actress Sophia Loren.  I can thank my grandmother for this complicated name. I am a Comm Design major and hopefully will be walking that stage coming this Fall 2013.  It's been a long journey and I am ready to cross that finish line.

My interest are photography and painting for fun to release stress and relax.  I am not much of a fan being told what to paint and being on a time scale. I am a Navy brat and have lived in Guam, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Yeah, don't ask me how we ended up in good ole Texas, for now its home even though I miss those tropical beaches.

I want to one day visit Europe and all the amazing Museums, Statues and Monuments all over the world.  Vincent Van Gogh is my favorite artist I feel I relate to him very much.  I have his Starry Night painting tattooed on my upper left arm.  Visiting New York last July I was able to see one of his painting in person and got kicked out of the MOMA for taking a photo... IT WAS WORTH IT.

Well that's a little insight into my world.

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